Plants at Home, November 2016

One time, my husband Oliver told me that he sees me happiest whenever we are buying plants. I suppose that is true since I absolutely adore plants and gardens. There is just something so wonderful, so miraculous seeing them growing and moving and adapting to life.

A few weeks ago, Oliver and I went to QC Memorial Circle to buy some indoor plants. We got new plants for the house and I am so thrilled to update our plant collection. First of, we bought a plant that I honestly forgot the name. After a quick search at Google, I think it’s a Fiddle. We bought it for 250 pesos only. UPDATE: only two leaves remain. Where did I go wrong? What did I do??? </3

Next we had a “sensation plant”. Upon researching, It is apparently a giant peace lily  Spathophylum sensation! All along I’ve been asking the shops around if they sell peace lily and they said they didn’t have any, iba pala ang pangalan. Praying to the plant gods that it blooms.

We also bought a moderate size Golden Palmera (Areca) for 300 pesos only. Super thrilled to have it. Lately, some leaves are browning. I don't know if it is due to the lack of direct light, or lack of water, or overwatering. I'm still experimenting on its right environment.

We also have a small calamansi plant that was left by the previous tenant of the house. Can you spot the calamansi? So far it only has one fruit...

My mint died a couple of weeks ago. But I was too lazy to clean up the pot and left the dead stems on it. To my surprise, a new mint sprouted on the pot. I'm so thrilled. Nature really does find its way.

Oliver and I bought chili (siling labuyo) at QC Circle also last week. For 100 pesos, I think it's a good buy. I gave it to mama last weekend when we visited our parents. I plan to buy one for myself.

Aside from the sili, we also bought these small rattan plants. At first, I am bothered because they are so small! Aren't rattan plants big? But the man told me it won't grow, so hopefully it won't. 

My parsley is alive and well, and is useful for cooking. 

We also bought this extremely cute cactus for 50 pesos! 

I'm also happy to report that the cacti I bought way back in 2014 are still alive (although it looks really different now)

The snake plant is well...

This Pancit-pancitan (Peperomia pellucida) was also left by the previous tenant. Actually there are more plants in this pot but I cannot recognize it.

My basil are happy and growing! Actually they flowered already, but I had to pinch them to prevent it from flowering. It seems I need to trim it too.

The rosemary which is the most fragrant of all. Everytime I water this plant, I can smell its wonderful scent. I'm so happy it's doing extremely well.

Our pandan plant is growing so fast I don't know how to manage it. Do we need to replant it? Trim? Propagate? Or can I make pandan water na lang?

These plants again, I still don't know the name... Happy they are still alive after more than two years of living in water!

And this wonderful plant that I also don't know the name!!! 

We don't have flowering plants because it's requires a whole new level of effort to maintain them, but perhaps when we settle into a permanent house (with a bigger garden space) we can start them.