Angat Dam

There are places where you thought you would never go, and for me, Angat Dam is one of it. I mean WHY would I go there, right? But, work called us to be there for a couple of days, so there we were. (Ok sorry ang meta ng text).

I really can't say what we did there, nor show pictures of our work because of the non-confidentiality clause but promise, it's not illegal lol. Anyway here are some plants and sights from Angat Dam.

While waiting for the officials to meet us.

View from our dormitory. That is the Angat Reservoir where most of Manila tap water comes from.

Sorry for the super edited photo, but this is just a close up/ view from the ground of the image above. 

Another version

One of the flood gates of Angat Dam. So dry, dahil when we went there hindi pa rainy season. 

Driving up and down and back and forth in the reservoir and our camp.

What a serene view

Of course I took photos of plants!

Plectranthus and Solenostemon?

Can't show you what we are doing so my camera is looking up instead haha.